You get a great sense of pride that you get when you make something, and it turns out to be a success. You can teach your child how to make their items, and this will not only show them necessary technical skills, but it will provide a way for the two of you to bond in a fun environment. DIY games are also inexpensive, and you will end up saving a lot of money that could go into other uses. Whether you are making a toy or creating a piñata for their birthday, you can use some crafty techniques to help you achieve success. Get to shape your child’s creative abilities by helping them make their toys and art. Log onto these sites and benefit from the torrent of ideas in them as you and your child get to bond. Happy playing!

The Artful Parent

This site has games of different levels ranging from toddlers all the way to teenagers. They offer ways to make toys as well as crafts which you and your child can do together. Your child can get a brainpower boost by undertaking one of the simple projects in this site as you watch on. Most of the materials that you will require are quite cheap, and you will be pleased with the results. Get ideas for different games which you can make for your kid on this site and execute them to give them adequate items with which they can play. The crafts featured in this section are so exciting that it is highly likely that you will try them out even when your child is not around. For fun and education, look to this site.

Paging Fun Mums

The great thing about this website is that it gets written by other mums and as such, you know that they are sure of the messages they are spreading. You also get assured of the safety of the activities featured. You and your child get to learn how to create photo magnets which you can stick onto the fridge, things you can make with glitter glue, how to make playhouses out of tables and many more fun activities. There are numerous DIY projects that you can undertake on this site which range from practical solutions such as dyeing your kid’s sneakers to everyday fun activities such as building forts. You can take part in most of the DIY games on this site. Get to create a healthy relationship with your child and watch them become more independent as they learn to do things themselves.

The Imagination Tree

For fantastic playtime activities, log onto this site where you get to reignite your creative spark in a relaxed atmosphere. This section takes you back to a point in your childhood where your imagination knew no bounds, opening up the creative side of your mind. Playtime and DIY go ‘hand in hand’ in the activities featured in this site, and you and your child will have fun going through the various events. You get to foster your child’s creativity in a friendly environment where they can be anything they want to be. Build forts and fight dragons in their layers and let your imagination know no limits. The primary emphasis of this website is play and the games featured are great for all ages including you.


This site offers you a range of projects which you and your child can enjoy doing together such as sponge-printing and drawing. Lots of educational games feature on this site such that you know your child is learning something as they have fun. Parents love this site because it does more than offer games. It also acts as a friend to have your back when the going gets tough by giving you advice on how to get through crappy times. Tips on how to take care of you as a parent as well as how to broach sensitive subjects get offered on the site. So, while your child receives a hoard of games to choose from, you get to learn how to get better at parenting.

Instructables: Play Category

This site is full of DIY projects on various aspects of life, and it comes as no surprise that they dedicate a whole sector to DIY games. This category focuses on games which you and your child can make from commonly sourced materials as well as works of art in which the two of you can engage. The games range from infant level, toddler level all the way to big kids and the site is straightforward to navigate, making the browsing process a breeze. If you are looking for something just for you, there are tons of games for grown-ups too. But it’s always good to let your hair down and play fun games at the level of your child. Not only do you get to relax but your child also gets to bond with you.